超牛的flash忍者游戏: N-Game

  当年这个2M不到的flash游戏出人意料地高票夺得2005 IGF 的玩家选择大奖,直到今天它看起来还是那么的完美:华丽的物理引擎,流畅的动作设计,巧妙的关卡设计,关卡可以无限次重来,当然,是在你的耐心耗尽之前。 用键盘操纵忍者到达逃离门处完成一关的游戏。金色的小方块可以增加时间,而敌人的种类则是数不清的多。 我上传了一个v1.4版的在这里 下载游戏
N(Game) on Wiki
N is an award-winning freeware Adobe Flash computer game developed by Metanet Software. It was inspired in part by Lode Runner, Soldat, and other side-scrolling games, and features a realistic physics engine. The name is derived From “The Way of the Ninja,” which is described in the background story. N features a ninja, who is the player-controlled character in the game.


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